In any given civilization, the purpose of education and training is to offer the individual receiving it with a sequence of well-organized levels for learning at each and every degree of education. Business education is a component of a larger educational system that includes a variety of teaching and learning outcomes that are designed for personal business or career use. Because of this, one must determine the objectives of business education and the best way to deliver the material based on the distinctive nature of each individual, the requirements of the community, the subject matter, and any other factors that have an effect on the business curriculum. (NBEA, 2008). According to Abadom (2003), Tonne, Popham, and Freeman (1967) described business education as an educational process whose career is to educate people for careers or positions in business organizations. This definition was used in Abadom (2003). These roles include: i. educating individuals for about business; ii. providing a continuous program of planned learning experiences; designed to equip individuals to fulfill effectively the following three roles: a. producing and distributing goods and services as workers; b. using the results of production as consumers; and c. making judicious socio economic decisions as citizens. (Osuala, 2004:5) Iii. Providing students with career information that assists them in relating their interests, needs, and talents to professional opportunities in the business world Iv. Providing educational opportunities for students who are prepared for jobs in fields other than business to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to perform effectively in those careers that are related to business, (Osuala, 2004:6). Acquiring new skills is a process of progressive acquisition that involves our cognitive processes to operate in conjunction with our physical abilities in business for us to learn how to carry out activities or chores that were previously foreign to us. In order for the teaching and learning to result in optimal performance, it is imperative that all parties involved have an understanding of how the amount of acquisition might have an effect on performance. (2014) According to Amaewhule.
Education in business is a component of both vocational and economic education that imparts the information, skills, and expertise pertinent to the fields of business and economics, as well as education, that are essential for instructing students in business-related subjects in secondary schools, colleges, and universities (Udo, 2016). In a same vein, it was argued that students who have an education in business are more equipped to advance their careers on the job or within a growth, as well as effectively manage their personal businesses and participate as informed consumers and citizens in a business economy (Barrett, 2017).
To develop basic skills for future personal use; to acquire the basic knowledge and skills of business education; to relate the acquired knowledge and skills to national development; to develop basic skills in office occupations; to provide the necessary background for teaching in business subject; to prepare students for further training or education in business studies; and to provide orientation and orientation. This demonstrates that the important goals of business education are impossible to achieve if the necessity of learning entrepreneurial skills is not emphasized in the execution of tertiary curriculum (Udo, 2016). Through the development of entrepreneurial skills, it will be possible to accomplish all of these objectives for long-term sustainability.
The education of business helps students improve their intellectual, behavioral, and interpersonal skills in addition to preparing them for professions that pay well and can be maintained throughout development (Saidu, Dahiru & Suleiman, 2017). Business education often includes education on how to start one's own company (Udo, 2016). It is of the utmost importance to highlight that the very definition of entrepreneurship is the efforts made by individuals to transform ideas into opportunities for economic gain (Afolabi, 2015).
Education in business include the development of appropriate routines, attitudes, and skills, in addition to providing the means to endure periods of unemployment. According to the United Nations Development Programme (2015), graduates of business education programs have not yet taken advantage of the opportunities to create jobs for both themselves and others, despite the fact that business education programs provide individuals with the skills necessary for self-employment. Instead, business grads roam the streets in search of employment, which might be hard to find or nonexistent in certain cases. Even the few people who have tried in the past to launch their own firms have been unsuccessful due to a lack of ability in areas such as digital illiteracy, inadequate corporate location, lack of imaginative thinking, communication, marketing, and record-keeping (Salisu, 2021). It is unfortunate, but given the importance and emphasis placed on broader skills in connection to the employability of recent graduates on the Nigerian labor market, employer feedback regarding the use of modern technology by recent graduates indicates that these skills are insufficient. This feedback comes from employers. Employers typically operate on the assumption that young graduates are not equipped to handle the complexities and difficulties of today's jobs. Business education graduates lack the transferrable skills required by the profession in the age of modern technology and are unable to succeed in the workplace of today as a result of the lack or absence of a practical approach to teaching and learning in tertiary institutions. This may be attributed to the teaching techniques that business instructors choose to use, which hinder the development of skills that are marketable in business school students (Emeasoba & Igwe 2016).
The main aim of this study is to examine the impact of instructional delivery and skills acquisition in business education. Specific objectives of this study are to:
The following research questions will be answered in this study:
The following null hypotheses will validate this study:
H0: There is no significant relationship existing between instructional delivery and effective skill acquisition among business education students.
H1: There is a significant relationship existing between instructional delivery and effective skill acquisition among business education students.
This study is significant because it highlights the important need for skills acquisition for self-employment among business education students and Nigerian youths in general by examining the educational system, strategies, and the consequent social developmental impact on the society.
The study stresses the country's education challenges and its equivalent to poverty levels in the society as a result of a lack of work or business-starting knowledge; the outcome is a society that supports healthy collaboration and motivation, therefore influencing the nation's progress.
However, the contribution of this research to knowledge identifies what is crucial for Nigerian youths and the economy, namely quality skills acquisition education that is centered on the needs of youths, particularly during this period of unemployment, as opposed to the United Nations resolution to increase budgetary details and the number of people who attend school. This is not the first research on entrepreneurial education and employment; nonetheless, it contributes to the body of knowledge in the subject and emphasizes the findings in order to determine which method would work best for the young of Nigeria in terms of actually eliminating unemployment.
This study focuses on the impact of instructional delivery and skills acquisition in business education. Specifically, this study focuses on determining whether skills acquisition are necessary for business education students, ascertaining whether skills acquisition are effectively taught in universities in universities, determining whether skill acquisition promotes self-employment for business education students in Universities and finding out the types of skill acquisition taught to Business Education students in Universities. The study will be delimited to business education students in University of Lagos, Lagos State.
In the course of carrying out this study, the researcher experienced some constraints, which included time constraints, financial constraints, language barriers, and the attitude of the respondents. However, the researcher were able to manage these just to ensure the success of this study.
Moreover, the case study method utilized in the study posed some challenges to the investigator including the possibility of biases and poor judgment of issues. However, the investigator relied on respect for the general principles of procedures, justice, fairness, objectivity in observation and recording, and weighing of evidence to overcome the challenges.
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